Name(YYYYmm-venue-title) Last-modified Size Description/Number-of-figures

1980+_Powers_curvit.htm Current CV and Bibliography

201304-drft-Normalization+LSI+SVD+Katz+TFIDF.pdf 388786 Jun 25 22:28 Optimizing normalization for Information Retrieval (v0.8)

200709-CEC-RedundSGE.pdf 764884 Jun 29 16:42 Evolvability Redundancy Shared Grammar Evolution

200709-CEC-GraphDesign.pdf 779610 Jun 29 16:42 Graph Grammar Encoding and Evolution of Automata Networks

200603-ACL+CoLing-WordSimWN.pdf 119316 Jun 25 22:09 WordSim using WordNet/1

200602-VisHCI-KeynoteEmbMMInfoCap.pdf 61205 Jun 29 13:39 Embody Multimodal Info/2

200601-GWC-VerbSimWN.pdf 140650 Jun 25 22:20 Verb Similarity using WordNet/1

200601-GWC-130verbpairs.txt 3068 Oct 23 00:16 Verb Similarity using WordNet - gold standard dataset

200512-AdvAlife-PhenoDiversity.pdf 528540 Jun 29 16:42 Phenotype Diversity Objectives for Graph Grammar Evolution

200509-CEC-GraphComp.pdf 573303 Jun 29 16:42 Graph Composition in a Graph Grammar-Based Method for Automata Network Evolution

201304-drft-Normalization+LSI+SVD+Katz+TFIDF.pdf 388786 Jun 25 22:28 Optimizing normalization for Information Retrieval

200504-drft-Normalization+LSI+SVD+Katz+TFIDF.pdf 272335 Jun 25 22:28 Optimizing normalization for Information Retrieval (v0.5)

200503-sub-WNvsDistWordSim.pdf 127703 Jun 25 22:21 WordNet vs Distributional Similarity/2

200502-MMUI-BioMotMLNLO.pdf 94001 Jun 25 22:08 Biologically motivated Machine Learning of Natural Language+Ontology

200501-ACSC-GGEncoding.pdf 219455 Jun 29 16:42 Graph Grammar Encoding and Evolution of Automata Networks

200501-ACSC-MeasSimWN.pdf 596822 Nov 12 2004 N+V WordSimilarity with WordNet/2

200401-ACSC-SFAVSR.pdf 2915697 Mar 17 Sensor Fusion Weighting Measures AudioVisual Speech Regn/10

200306-PACL-ChinWordSeg.pdf 93381 Jun 11 16:52 Chinese Segmentation Contextual

200305-ICCS-AENGG.pdf 293597 Jun 2 17:37 Evolution of Neural Graph Grams/5

200304-ICCS-NLADATE.pdf 155272 Jun 2 17:38 Machine Learning of Natural Language using ADATE/3

200303-ICCS-MagiVis.pdf 965780 Jun 2 17:37 Magic No Seven for Visualization/8

200302-ICCS-Bookmaker.pdf 157091 Aug 13 17:04 Bookmaker versus Recall+Precision/2

200302-ICCS-Bookmaker.doc 236544 Jun 25 13:07 (MSWord with live spreadsheet)

200302-ICCS-Bookmaker-post.pdf 1915017 Jul 23 14:34 Bookmaker tutorial poster

200302-ICCS-Bookmaker-post.ppt 1065472 Jul 23 14:24 Bookmaker tutorial poster

200302-ICCS-Bookmaker-sym.xls 28160 Jun 2 17:32 Excel demo for 2x2 contingency

200302-ICCS-Bookmaker-trip.xls 29184 Jun 2 17:32 Excel demo for 3x3 contingency

200302-ICCS-Bookmaker.m 2603 Jun 2 17:32 Matlab/Octave code for NxN table

200301-JRPIT-AVSRNN.pdf 224508 May 21 10:43 AVSR using Red Exclusion/NeuralNet

200204-drft-IRS.pdf 696061 Nov 6 15:38 Survey of Information Retrieval Interfaces

200203-SWC-EUCWSC.pdf 226544 Mar 24 17:54 Unsupervised Chinese Word Seg and Class

200202-IV-TFIV.pdf 382309 Oct 28 11:55 Taxonomy of Information Retrieval Visualization

200201-ACSC-AVRENN.pdf 194541 Oct 9 10:53 AVSR using RedExclusion+Neural Networks(8pp)

200110-HPCC-HSS-NEPSI.pdf 182151 Jun 29 15:48 Network Enabled Parallel Simulator

200109-EMBC-ECG.pdf 68746 Feb 18 14:34 Multistage Neural Networks ECG Classifier

200108-sub-MISR.pdf 137928 Sep 27 16:40 Multifaceted Speech Reading

200107-sub-BSSHORN.pdf 427716 Sep 27 16:03 BSS using Higher Order Recurrent Neural Networks

200106-inv-RBE.pdf 233895 Sep 27 16:02 Robot Babies and Language Acqn

200105-LGR-RBIR.pdf 216469 May 18 13:56 Robot Baby meets Intell. Room

200103-ICAI-BSSRNN.pdf 266430 May 18 13:56 BSS using Recurrent Neural Networks

200102-WSES-CBSS.pdf 714148 May 18 16:59 Comparison of BSS Algorithms

200101-ACSC-CCW.pdf 59298 May 18 14:18 Large Experiments on Confused Words

200005-inv-RBS.pdf 292604 May 18 16:37 Robot Baby Science

200004-inv-RBE.pdf 225271 May 18 16:37 Robot Baby Ecology

200003-IFAC-MCRNN.pdf 13424 May 18 13:56 Model Control using RNNs

200002-sub-LSBNN.pdf 33544 May 18 13:55 Improved Training for FFNNs

200001-VIP-AVSR.pdf 241515 May 18 13:55 Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

199905-LSBMR-SMC.pdf 90059 Oct 22 12:16 LSB Neural Networks Magnetic Resonance brain image Segmentation

199904-CC-HSS.pdf 427720 May 18 13:55 Cluster Computing Hardware Sim.

199901-ECOLANG.gz 2-Oct-01 11:26 11K Basic Acquisition Assumptions

199901-ECOLANG 28999 Oct 2 13:56 Basic Acquisition Assumptions

199801f-HCC-MTTT.pdf 28390 May 18 13:55 Methods/Tricks for Turing Test

199801e-PaGiLL-UCSC.pdf 28972 May 18 13:55 Unsupervised Clustering & Segmentation

199801d-HCC-TTT+LP.pdf 17457 May 18 13:55 Total Turing Test/Loebner Prize

199801c-CoNLL-Zipf.pdf 1049570 May 18 13:55 Explanation of Zipf's Law

199801b-CoNLL-EDRQ.pdf 23280 May 18 13:54 Evolution of Document Queries

199801a-CoNLL-USE.pdf 194852 May 18 13:54 Statistics/Evaluating Parsers

199702-ICLC-PFCL-post.pdf 55607 Jul 5 10:34 Perceptual Foundations for CogLing

199703-CoNLL-DG.pdf 222914 May 18 13:54 Differential Grammar Checker

199610-sub-NPPULL.pdf 6363 May 18 13:54 Neuropsych predictions of Unsupervised Machine Learning of Natural Language

199609-SST-CSTCAS.pdf 32829 May 18 13:54 Complex Acoustic Signals

199608-sub-SGC.pdf 77399 May 18 13:54 A Statistical Grammar Checker

199606-TASL-WULTAL.pdf 28933 May 18 13:54 What Unsupervised Machine Learning tells us about Natural Language

199605-ANZ-CB-ECSAS.pdf 71639 May 18 13:54 Complex/Subliminal Audio Experiments

199601-IJCL-ULLS-EE.pdf 5509875 May 18 13:54 Eval of Metrics/Algs for Unsupervised Machine Learning of Natural Language

199512-ANLP-EULNL.pdf 59434 May 18 13:53 Experiments in Unsupervised Machine Learning of Natural Language

199509-HSOC-CTP.pdf 56046 May 18 13:53 Hierarchical Self-Organization

199509-ACAW-SIMD.pdf 305130 May 18 13:53 SIMD Design Considerations

199504-HSOUC.gz 13-Apr-95 17:19 11K Hierarchical Self-Organization

199501-ACAW-PUPC.pdf 76085 May 18 13:53 Parallel Unification

199303-MLNLS-RBL.gz 23-Apr-94 15:28 3K Invited position paper MLNL

199208-THINK-CDE.pdf 111956 Mar 20 18:11 Complementary Distbn in Environments

199204-inv-MMMMMM.pdf 201209 Mar 20 18:11 Autonomy and Modules

199201-drft-MAM.pdf 110836 Mar 20 18:11 Metaphor as Mechanism

199201-SHOE-CCBC.pdf 1132313 Feb 25 19:10 Closed Classes Boundary Conds

199109-PaCT.pdf 51443 May 18 13:53 Parallized QuickSort .. Optimal

199101-SSS-GIDMLNLO.pdf 104248 Mar 20 18:11 Machine Learning of Natural Language+Ontology Goals+Issues

198803-SPIE-PROVIS.pdf 39121 Mar 20 18:11 Prolog Vision Processor

198407-ETI-PRO.pdf 524836 Jan 31 17:55 Prolog Tutorial 1

198408-ETI-PRO.pdf 304082 Jan 31 18:16 Prolog Tutorial 2

198409-ETI-PRO.pdf 554136 Jan 31 18:37 Prolog Tutorial 3

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